Monaghan Aerobika* Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) is a convenient, user-friendly device that provides clinicians and patients with a means for reliable, drug-free and natural airway clearance. Aerobika* OPEP system opens up or collapsed airways by creating positive pressure and oscillations simultaneously, which helps move sticky mucus to the upper and larger of your lungs airways where it can be coughed out.
After a COPD exacerbation (Flare-Up) your lungs may be weakened putting you at risk of another. Unfortunately, healthcare statistics have indicated that 1 in 5 patients hospitalized for a COPD Flare-Up require rehospitalization within 30 days.
- Drug free, natural airway clearance.
- Airway Clearance Device
- Increased Exercise Tolerance
- Proven to assist Mucociliary clearance.
- Decrease Cough frequency.
- Improves Breathlessness.
- Increase Exercise Tolerance.
- Aligns with hospital cost reduction and COPD Management Programs.

Aerobika OPEP Device – How to use

Aerobika OPEP Device – Instructions for Use (Brief)